If you have an emergency matter dealing with a board, PHP, or peer review, you can arrange an emergency consult here
Welcome to CPR
The Center for Physician Rights, Inc.
CPR – An Advocacy Resource for Physicians and Counsel
Dealing With Regulatory Administrative Legal Matters
C P R – The Center for Physician Rights – is a highly focused non-profit organization dedicated to helping physicians who are concerened that they may have been wrongfully subjected to an unfair medical board disciplinary process, physician health program (PHP) fitness-for-duty evaluation and treatment, or "peer review" process, and have been deprived of due process or other protected legal rights.
Having studied these issues over the last decade , we noted that with each published article and commentary we wrote, with each blog post and webinar we did, affected physicians sought us out to share their plight and ask for our guidance.
It is clear that C P R – The Center for Physician Rights is desperately needed, an organization well versed in the issues explicitly dedicated to challenging this administrative-legal abuse and to providing support, guidance and advocacy for the physician.
C P R focuses on offering knowledge and guidance to physicians who are preparing to respond or are in the process of legally challenging an administrative assessment process that they believe is biased or inappropriate.
C P R hopes to become the pivotal organization aggressively pursuing necessary changes in the medical administrative legal arena to ensure fairness, prevent abuse of power and promote ethical and compassionate treatment.
To learn more how you can help, please visit C P R's Campaign:
© Copyright April 12, 2022 by Center for Physician Rights, Inc.
All Rights Reserved.
Contact us: info@physicianrights.net